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美国经济的基石之一.S. criminal justice system is that every person who is accused of a crime should be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. It often seems as though this tenet is overlooked and anyone even suspected of a crime is perceived negatively, 不管证据如何. That’s especially true where accusations of illicit drugs are involved, which results in over 1.每年逮捕500万人. 仅在2020年,就有86人.7%的毒品违法被捕 were for possession of a controlled substance (as opposed to sale or manufacture).

Our Drug Possession Lawyers Can Help If You’ve Been Charged With a Criminal Offense

Being charged with a criminal offense can leave you feeling afraid and unsure of what to do, especially if you might also be battling substance abuse or addiction issues. 丘奇的毒品辩护律师, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law understand what you’re going through because we have helped other people who have been where you are now. 总部设在印第安纳州新奥尔巴尼 刑事辩护律师 at 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 represent clients accused of drug possession violations in Kentuckiana; Floyd County, IN; and Clark County, IN. Whether you are only a suspect or you have been formally charged, consulting with an attorney can help protect your rights. 不要拿你的未来和自由冒险. Whatever the situation, talk to us and find out how we can help you. 拨打812-725-8224或填写 我们的网上表格.


It is not necessary that you have drugs in your pocket in order to be charged with possession. They simply have to be in your custody and under your control. 根据印第安纳州的法律, the penalties for drug possession are based on two criteria: what the controlled substance was and how much of it there was. The Controlled Substances Act groups drugs together under schedules based on how addictive they are. Schedule I drugs are considered to be the most dangerous, 有最高的依赖风险, 而且没有合法的医疗用途. 从这里开始,分类就不那么严肃了. The last category is Schedule V, which are those drugs that have a very low risk of dependency. While there have been repeated requests to remove cannabis from its current Schedule I placement, 截至2022年7月, the Drug Enforcement Administration has still not downgraded the classification. 其他一级管制药物包括LSD和海洛因, while cocaine and methamphetamines are labeled as Schedule II.

在一般情况下, being found in possession of less than five grams of a controlled substance makes the offense a Level 6 felony, which carries a potential sentence of between six months to 2 ½ years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. The amount of time that can be imposed increases as the gram amount goes up as well as when certain enhancements are present such as if the possession took place within 1,一所学校的1000英尺, 公园, 娱乐中心, 或者操场. 大麻被区别对待. A person who is apprehended with marijuana will likely face a Class B misdemeanor charge with potential penalties of up to 180 days in jail and a fine of up to $5,000. If the person has a prior conviction for a drug offense and is found with less than 30 grams of marijuana, 这是a级轻罪, which carries a penalty of imprisonment for a term of up to one year and a maximum $5,罚款000. A prior drug conviction plus more than 30 grams elevates the offense to a Level 6.

然而, the first time a person is charged with possession of marijuana, 他或她可能有条件获释. 可能的处罚包括监禁, 比如社区bet9九州体育登录, 毒品教育课程, 或罚款. Successful completion means that the offense will not appear on the defendant’s permanent record. 这样可以避免以后与雇主之间的问题, 房东, 金融机构, and schools that perform a criminal record check as part of their application process.

Contact Our Drug Possession Attorneys in 新奥尔巴尼 Today

没有人想被贴上毒品罪犯的标签, and although possession charges can seem minor at first, they can rapidly evolve into major legal problems with long-lasting consequences. If you or a loved one has been accused of a crime involving drugs, it is important to bet9九州体育登录线路 an experienced criminal defense attorney who can guide your case through the criminal process. 印第安纳州教堂的毒品辩护律师, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law承认每个人都会犯错, but don’t believe that those bad choices should necessarily define someone’s future. Our experienced 新奥尔巴尼 marijuana possession attorneys have the skills and knowledge needed to ensure that clients get the effective representation they deserve.

It’s important to remember that an accusation is not the same as a conviction, and there are many ways our IN drug possession defense attorneys can help. We know how the 印第安纳州 criminal justice system operates and how to use the unique circumstances of each case to develop a thorough defense strategy that takes advantage of every opportunity for case dismissal, 减少电荷, 句子还原, 以及监禁的替代方案. If you have been accused of or arrested for drug possession in 印第安纳州, 让我们计划一下你需要的侵略性防御. To get more information and explore your options, bet9九州体育登录线路 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 今天致电812-725-8224或填写 我们的网上表格. The initial consultation is free, so you have nothing to lose. Whatever the specifics of your case, we are relentless in fighting for you.


Marc is a 肯塔基州 native, having lived and worked in the state the majority of his life. 他是肯塔基州和印第安纳州的执业律师, 他的重点是试验工作, 包括民事诉讼和刑事辩护. 他代理过各种各样的客户, and he is committed to putting his clients’ needs first. [ 律师生物 ]


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